Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Interlude - Twitter

My brother was perfectly happy to receive an email from me every ten minutes last night (see my Writing Game post), I'm sure, but he also directed me to a new tool to accomplish the same thing.

Twitter gives me what amounts to a status bar that I can post on my blog and update as often as I want. Look under my profile picture and you'll see how many words I've put into my novel since November 1st. Last night I could have updated it every ten minutes instead of all those emails. And, as my brother put it, I would have been "publicly shamed into productivity". That is the idea, my friend.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Now I have to start following you on Twitter as well, I'm flotsamjeffsam.

Kristy Powers said...

Found you! I have a feeling I'm utilizing about .000000012% of Twitter's capabilities. Teach me, please.