Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fascinating Things

Read this post about Lewis’s advice to write only about certain things before reading the rest of this post.

What really, I mean REALLY, interests you?

Quickly, without thinking about it, write down 10 things that fascinate you. Read over them. You should be writing about these things.


Johanna said...

The first thing was, of course, people. then I got fish, dreams, boys, girls, happiness, God, angels, death, and hatred. so general! and it kind of surprised me. and the boys/girls should probably not count as their own topics cause its people again.

Kristy Powers said...

My own answers surprised me very much. The first thing was ships! I thought I disliked and distrusted the water--but there is something fascinating about propelling a boat through water. Then I listed magic, children, fairies, writing, love and hate, peace and war, colorful, vivid tapestries, books, and beautiful clothing, trappings, etc. These don't necessarily fall in with my self-professed values. Very interesting.

Johanna said...

Man, I LOVE ships. I like your answers better. they do seem to be more applicable to someone like me, don't they? who knew.