This is all you're going to get from me today and tomorrow. I'm down to the NaNoWriMo wire. Having written 7,000 words yesterday and this morning, I am single-minded in my drive to the 50.
My novel is even improving! In a way. It's becoming much more interesting. Tip to fellow NaNoWriMoers who haven't hit 50 yet: Creat a new villain today. Better yet, create two. That's what I did. They actually belong to a society full of our good gnomes' enemies. It's good for an immediate 2,000 words at least.
See you past the finish line.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
How It's Not Working
Here's the point where it's either not working for me, or I'm not working for it.
To explain: I have this nice, detailed outline of my novel inserted into my document. As I go through, all I have to do is fill in. It helps keep me on track because I'm not always saying, "Hmm, where am I at here? Shouldn't I change this order around? Oh dear, now I need to start over." Not all my chapters are outlined. I know I'll need to do some big, unpremeditated writing toward the end because there are things that will have to happen and sacrifices that will have to be made that I haven't written down yet.
That's all well and good. But I find it very hard these days to sit down and do the writing. When I do sit down, I feel like a typist and wish the TV was on at the same time. Either this way of writing is boring my novel to death, or I'm being petulant and just won't do the work.
I'm on track in terms of where I want to be at this point: I figure 33,378 words is just over a third of my whole first draft. This pace is fine with me...EXCEPT IT'S NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH and I have to write 16,622 more words in three days to win! Again, this scenario would be okay, except that I hate to not win. I really, really hate it.
To explain: I have this nice, detailed outline of my novel inserted into my document. As I go through, all I have to do is fill in. It helps keep me on track because I'm not always saying, "Hmm, where am I at here? Shouldn't I change this order around? Oh dear, now I need to start over." Not all my chapters are outlined. I know I'll need to do some big, unpremeditated writing toward the end because there are things that will have to happen and sacrifices that will have to be made that I haven't written down yet.
That's all well and good. But I find it very hard these days to sit down and do the writing. When I do sit down, I feel like a typist and wish the TV was on at the same time. Either this way of writing is boring my novel to death, or I'm being petulant and just won't do the work.
I'm on track in terms of where I want to be at this point: I figure 33,378 words is just over a third of my whole first draft. This pace is fine with me...EXCEPT IT'S NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH and I have to write 16,622 more words in three days to win! Again, this scenario would be okay, except that I hate to not win. I really, really hate it.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Kind of a Progress Report
I must confess: I have not been sticking to my 8-10 pm Michael Palmer-inspired schedule. I've been doing pretty great at writing nearly every day, but it's at odd hours. I may write during the entire evening off and on, with oodles of breaks, or during my son's naptime, or for fifteen minutes right before bed. With my participation (and lagging word count) in NaNoWriMo, those hours have gotten even crazier.
Today I was at my computer from 7 to 7:45 this morning, then from 11:45 to 12:30, then from 1:00 to 1:15, and now I'll be at it again at about 8:00 pm. Not exactly a regular schedule.
Nor do I have a regular workplace this month. There's the vanity table I use for a desk, the couch, the dining room table during breakfast, and, best of all, the bed under a blanket propped up by two big pillows.
I really have no conclusions to draw from this, no commentary to write, no self-scourging to do. I'm just gonna go.
Today I was at my computer from 7 to 7:45 this morning, then from 11:45 to 12:30, then from 1:00 to 1:15, and now I'll be at it again at about 8:00 pm. Not exactly a regular schedule.
Nor do I have a regular workplace this month. There's the vanity table I use for a desk, the couch, the dining room table during breakfast, and, best of all, the bed under a blanket propped up by two big pillows.
I really have no conclusions to draw from this, no commentary to write, no self-scourging to do. I'm just gonna go.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Where the ladies at? Right here!
I am going to post again today because: 1) I am excited, 2) I am taking a NaNo break, and 3) I didn't post last night so this will make up for it.
This year, NaNoWriMo has given me a precious gift. (The last two years, it gave me the gift of just over 50,000 words in one month, all typed by me! However, many of those words were suspect if not downright lame.) I followed the NaNoWriMo link to pep talks by famous authors, which led me to the blog of Deanna Raybourn, who I raved about two days ago. The outstanding pep talk by Sara Gruen mentioned Joshilyn Jackson. I've seen Jackson's name before, but this new sighting prompted me to read her blog. Wonderful irreverence! The funny comments on her blog led me to another author: Cornelia Read.
To sum up, NaNo has given me women to read! Yes, I adore Neil Gaiman and Tom Robbins and Stephen King and Douglas Adams, but come on, enough testicles already. The women I just mentioned are intelligent and entertaining storytellers and, unlike many of my favorite female authors, alive--and that's what I know just from reading their blogs! Now I must acquire and read all their books.
For handy reference so that you too can read all their books, here are the new women in my life:
Deanna Raybourn
Sara Gruen
Joshilyn Jackson
Cornelia Read
Oh, and Juliana Baggott! also of NaNoWriMo pep talk fame and author of The Anybodies Trilogy
This year, NaNoWriMo has given me a precious gift. (The last two years, it gave me the gift of just over 50,000 words in one month, all typed by me! However, many of those words were suspect if not downright lame.) I followed the NaNoWriMo link to pep talks by famous authors, which led me to the blog of Deanna Raybourn, who I raved about two days ago. The outstanding pep talk by Sara Gruen mentioned Joshilyn Jackson. I've seen Jackson's name before, but this new sighting prompted me to read her blog. Wonderful irreverence! The funny comments on her blog led me to another author: Cornelia Read.
To sum up, NaNo has given me women to read! Yes, I adore Neil Gaiman and Tom Robbins and Stephen King and Douglas Adams, but come on, enough testicles already. The women I just mentioned are intelligent and entertaining storytellers and, unlike many of my favorite female authors, alive--and that's what I know just from reading their blogs! Now I must acquire and read all their books.
For handy reference so that you too can read all their books, here are the new women in my life:
Deanna Raybourn
Sara Gruen
Joshilyn Jackson
Cornelia Read
Oh, and Juliana Baggott! also of NaNoWriMo pep talk fame and author of The Anybodies Trilogy
NaNoWriMo-Themed Writing Quote
Today is the day I planned to post another writing quote from Michael Palmer. If you're new to the blog and wondering why I keep writing about Michael Palmer, read about the No Shame Novelist project here.
Instead, I decided to post a motivational NaNoWriMo quote because I need a kick in the pants to start my All Day NaNoWriMo Novel Writing Pajama Party event. While others are at the mall or perhaps even crashing from their all-night Black Friday shopping spree (Can you believe some places opened at midnight?? What happened to enjoying the holidays? I now know beyond all doubt that Americans hate themselves and want to be punished.), I will be in bed with coffee mug close to hand, laptop on lap, typing away, or if not typing, staring at the screen with NaNo devotion.
Here's the quote, and I hope it helps you as much as it helps me: "The single most important technique for making progress is to write ten words." -first sentence of Naomi Novik's NaNoWriMo pep talk
You can write ten words, right? This is something I can do even on a bad day, and she's right: the first ten words lead to other words. Writing these words means you're doing it--you're writing your novel.
Here's another one that isn't directly from NaNoWriMo, but it applies: "God sells us all things at the price of labor." -Leonardo da Vinci
For those of you who think you're working on a real pile of dung right now: "Real courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what." -Harper Lee
I found the last two quotes in Sue Reichard's Suite101 article. Here's one last quote I liked: "A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people." -Thomas Mann
(Now that I reread my post, I suppose some people would put noveling at manic speed all day long on a holiday weekend in the same camp as holiday shopping through the night and wee hours of the morn in terms of effort expended, caffeine consumed, and sanity abandoned. Fine. I concede their point. I am a fully integrated, self-loathing citizen. Drop me a note if you've got similar plans this weekend.)
Instead, I decided to post a motivational NaNoWriMo quote because I need a kick in the pants to start my All Day NaNoWriMo Novel Writing Pajama Party event. While others are at the mall or perhaps even crashing from their all-night Black Friday shopping spree (Can you believe some places opened at midnight?? What happened to enjoying the holidays? I now know beyond all doubt that Americans hate themselves and want to be punished.), I will be in bed with coffee mug close to hand, laptop on lap, typing away, or if not typing, staring at the screen with NaNo devotion.
Here's the quote, and I hope it helps you as much as it helps me: "The single most important technique for making progress is to write ten words." -first sentence of Naomi Novik's NaNoWriMo pep talk
You can write ten words, right? This is something I can do even on a bad day, and she's right: the first ten words lead to other words. Writing these words means you're doing it--you're writing your novel.
Here's another one that isn't directly from NaNoWriMo, but it applies: "God sells us all things at the price of labor." -Leonardo da Vinci
For those of you who think you're working on a real pile of dung right now: "Real courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what." -Harper Lee
I found the last two quotes in Sue Reichard's Suite101 article. Here's one last quote I liked: "A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people." -Thomas Mann
(Now that I reread my post, I suppose some people would put noveling at manic speed all day long on a holiday weekend in the same camp as holiday shopping through the night and wee hours of the morn in terms of effort expended, caffeine consumed, and sanity abandoned. Fine. I concede their point. I am a fully integrated, self-loathing citizen. Drop me a note if you've got similar plans this weekend.)
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Interlude: Rules Writers Follow
I've been reading Deanna Raybourn's delightful blog, Blog A Go-Go, for the past couple of days. Although she and I probably have opposite temperaments and habits, I still get an awful lot of vicarious pleasure reading her posts. Somedays I wish I did have glamorous red nails, an actual hairdo, and the ability and gumption to wear high heels. Mostly I like reading it because she can write the spines off a porcupine.
In one post, she created a list of rules she learned as a Southern girl. There are many similar lists out there about Southern belles, but hers is the one I enjoyed the most. It seems most real. In any case, it inspired me to create a list of rules writers follow.
Rules Writers Follow*
1. Writers take showers every other day at most, to save time getting to their keyboards. An incidental benefit: the water conserved helps curb the waste of environmental resources.
2. Writers don't wear shoes. Except maybe when they are forced to leave the house to pick up groceries or a movie or something equally important. Slippers are a-okay any time of the day.
3. Writers don't spend a lot of money on manicures. For one thing, long nails will be worn down by typing. For another, unmanicured nails are perfect for gnawing on when stuck or nervous or overcaffeinated.
4. Writers drink coffee for breakfast and lunch. Then they maintain on cheese, chocolate, and bread products until dinner. Skipping meals is not a dieting tactic, nor is it a timesaving device. They simply forget everything else in their state of caffeine bliss.
5. Writers do not make eye contact walking down the street. Instead, they hurry to the local coffee joint, holding on to their laptop bags protectively. Though they may stare at the cracks in the sidewalk, you'd better believe they're shooting sideways glances at you, memorizing your appearance and habits for later literary use.
6. Writers do not wear anything stylish, ever. Finding objects of style would take too much time away from online roleplaying. Plus, they know they would look like crap all dolled up. Best to look like crap with the appearance of not caring enough to try. Think Peter Jackson. Even better, there are talented people who can make themselves look fabulously hideous. Think Johnny Depp during one of his awful personal fashion phases. (I wanted to plug in a photo here for example, but even in the terrible ones, he still looks so pretty!)
7. Writers use everyone they know or have ever met in their books in one way or another. (In disguise, of course.) If you can't put that vegan woman with skin like phyllo sheets who talks too loudly in public on her cell phone about the results of her latest gynecological exam in your book, what's the point of her?
8. Writers don't drink. Alternatively, they drink too much. Doesn't it seem like that's the way everyone drinks: not at all or to excess? Or is that just me?
9. Writers stay in constant contact with family and friends--and anyone else who knows their email address--by compulsively checking their email, Facebook, MySpace, blog, and website accounts at all hours.
*In case you hadn't figured it out, these are not necessarily rules writers follow, but habits I have. I know, disgusting.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
How It's Working - Michael Palmer Month
Hmmmm. I want to be honest to the point of pain, if necessary. How's the plan working for me? How's Michael Palmer Month working for me?
The plan may benefit me more in the long term than the short term. My NaNoWriMo word count is suffering, although I like what I've done a hundred times more than the other NaNoWriMo drafts I've written. I feel like I'm spending too much time blogging and too little time getting on with the novel. On the other hand, I'm not likely to ditch this book in the middle of a rough spot, never to be heard from again. And I'm definitely not going to post a "hey-there-I-know-this-was-all-about-noveling-but- I'm-not-really-doing-that-anymore" update. I don't spend a large chunk of time writing the novel every night, but I do sit down to work on it most nights. That's a huge improvement in itself.
Now how's Michael Palmer Month working for me? It'll be easier to judge in hindsight. Right now, I'm pleased. After I went back to redo my outline in more detail a la Palmer, I had less trouble battling doubt in the middle of writing a paragraph. If a question popped up--Hey, what's she doing in this scene anyway? Wasn't she supposed to be at school? Is this summer?--I could find out the answer by looking at the outline and keep plugging away. Sure, sometimes the answer wasn't there and I really had forgotten about a contradiction of plot points, but I was less likely to want to scrap my whole book. I'm writing a little more slowly and a little more meticulously. It's slower than NaNo but I'm happy with what I've done.
With that said, if February rolls around and I haven't finished a full first draft, I'll be a lot less enchanted with the Palmer method.
The plan may benefit me more in the long term than the short term. My NaNoWriMo word count is suffering, although I like what I've done a hundred times more than the other NaNoWriMo drafts I've written. I feel like I'm spending too much time blogging and too little time getting on with the novel. On the other hand, I'm not likely to ditch this book in the middle of a rough spot, never to be heard from again. And I'm definitely not going to post a "hey-there-I-know-this-was-all-about-noveling-but- I'm-not-really-doing-that-anymore" update. I don't spend a large chunk of time writing the novel every night, but I do sit down to work on it most nights. That's a huge improvement in itself.
Now how's Michael Palmer Month working for me? It'll be easier to judge in hindsight. Right now, I'm pleased. After I went back to redo my outline in more detail a la Palmer, I had less trouble battling doubt in the middle of writing a paragraph. If a question popped up--Hey, what's she doing in this scene anyway? Wasn't she supposed to be at school? Is this summer?--I could find out the answer by looking at the outline and keep plugging away. Sure, sometimes the answer wasn't there and I really had forgotten about a contradiction of plot points, but I was less likely to want to scrap my whole book. I'm writing a little more slowly and a little more meticulously. It's slower than NaNo but I'm happy with what I've done.
With that said, if February rolls around and I haven't finished a full first draft, I'll be a lot less enchanted with the Palmer method.
Monday, November 19, 2007
This is just to say that I am beginning my three hours of writing with no distractions. (I scheduled this in Thursday's post.) I finished writing haiku (and here's why I started in the first place), my husband's out of the house, my son is asleep, I'm drinking coffee, and I'm about to sign off the Internet. The one program I'll be using besides CopyWrite is iTunes.
Now get out of my face!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
15 Minutes
Tonight was one of those nights when the last thing I wanted to do was go sit at my computer and write. We had a weekend (starting on Thursday) full of guests and travel, and I just wanted to go to bed.
I turned to emergency procedures. I went to bed with my computer and told myself I only had to write 15 minutes. Someone (maybe more than one someone) said that writing at least 15 minutes every day will at least keep the project fresh in your mind and probably lead to writing more than 15 minutes anyway.
Here I am in bed with my computer. My husband sleeps next to me with his back to the light my screen is producing. I wrote a little more than 15 minutes. I blogged. I won.
I turned to emergency procedures. I went to bed with my computer and told myself I only had to write 15 minutes. Someone (maybe more than one someone) said that writing at least 15 minutes every day will at least keep the project fresh in your mind and probably lead to writing more than 15 minutes anyway.
Here I am in bed with my computer. My husband sleeps next to me with his back to the light my screen is producing. I wrote a little more than 15 minutes. I blogged. I won.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Love for the Un-fantastic
Michael Palmer has written eleven books to hit The New York Times bestseller list.
He knows how to write medical thrillers. He knows how to impart just enough insider information about medicine to let people feel they're getting in behind the scenes. And he knows one particular style to write these thrillers.
I would never argue that he was one of the Great Authors, and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't disagree with me. He gives the reader a very specific experience the way that Janet Evanovich provides the specific type of story her fans look for.
It's fun to read books like that. You don't have to put your brain to work to follow where they take you.
I say this because on my list of (to-be-)Featured Authors, there are some I consider fantastic, inspiring writers, and some that competently write entertaining books. No matter which category they fall into, I believe they all have useful lessons to teach me.
P.S. I'm not too shy to say which featured authors strike me with the despair of knowing I can never do it like they do: L'Engle, King, Lewis, SARK. Feel free to disagree.
He knows how to write medical thrillers. He knows how to impart just enough insider information about medicine to let people feel they're getting in behind the scenes. And he knows one particular style to write these thrillers.
I would never argue that he was one of the Great Authors, and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't disagree with me. He gives the reader a very specific experience the way that Janet Evanovich provides the specific type of story her fans look for.
It's fun to read books like that. You don't have to put your brain to work to follow where they take you.
I say this because on my list of (to-be-)Featured Authors, there are some I consider fantastic, inspiring writers, and some that competently write entertaining books. No matter which category they fall into, I believe they all have useful lessons to teach me.
P.S. I'm not too shy to say which featured authors strike me with the despair of knowing I can never do it like they do: L'Engle, King, Lewis, SARK. Feel free to disagree.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Writing Assignment (& It's a Doozy)
Here's an assignment for you and me, inspired by the Michael Palmer quote I posted two days ago:
Take a three-hour block for yourself. Have someone else watch the kids or do the chores. Don't tell anyone how to get hold of you for those three hours. If you have to, do it in the dead of night. Turn off your phone. Do NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, connect to the Internet. Use your computer or a pad of paper, whatever you usually write on. Write for three hours without looking at anything else for the entire time except maybe a watch.
I'll be doing this Monday night. See the picture above for an idea of what I will look like after an hour without the worldwide web.
If you already do this regularly, wonderful. You're probably published. It sounds hard to me, but what is life without creative challenges?
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Progress Report - Week 2
As you can see from the Word Count Tracker to the right, I'm 12,522 words into my children's novel.
1) I went back to the first steps recommended by Michael Palmer and wrote a full proposal just to get my own head clear about the book.
2) I reworked my basic outline to include all the major events in each chapter.
3) I changed some plot points to add more high conflict.
4) I sat down at my computer between 8:00 and 10:00 most nights this last week. (On Saturday, I wrote at a coffee shop from 11:00 to 3:00 instead, and a couple nights I fell asleep early.)
My plan for the coming week is to work on keeping my evening writing hours every day and to write during my son's naptimes, too, since I'm falling behind in my NaNoWriMo progress.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
That's the Trick
"In the process of getting a novel written, there is no substitute for long hours alone and in doubt."
~Michael Palmer, Acknowledgments for Critical Judgment
All the Palmers
If you ever look for biographical information on Michael Palmer like I did, make sure you've got the right one. One Michael Palmer is a poet and a Guggenheim Fellowship recipient. Another one is a painter and another an ecard artist. Imagine if we got them all together in one room and didn't let them out until they collaborated. We'd get some thrilling ecards out of it, not to mention pithy paintings. I'm really starting to think this is a good idea.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Recap of The No Shame Novelist Project
To those who are reading this blog for the first time, you've found the home of the No Shame Novelist Project. Welcome! The project will last a year. Each month will be spent studying the advice of a different author, thinking and blogging about it, and following it through the stages of my new novel. Take a look at my first post about the plan.
At the most basic level, this blog is about stringing words together until they form a novel. I'm using the blog to keep me moving forward for a full year, after which I'll use what I've learned to create my own noveling path. Readers are strongly encouraged to join me in this endeavor!
You may want to read the post about this month - Michael Palmer Month for the project.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Music To Write To
Hey, real quick--
Check out the playlist I'm listening to while I write my gnomes novel. It's underneath Recently Read on the right hand side of this blog.
Check out the playlist I'm listening to while I write my gnomes novel. It's underneath Recently Read on the right hand side of this blog.
A Note on Author's Rights
As a freelance writer and aspiring novelist, the rights of authors are important to me. I want authors to be paid for their work and protected from plagiarism. In this blog, I intend to respect the authors I talk about by following the letter and the spirit of copyright law regarding fair use of written material. Fair use guidelines allow the use of other people's material for certain purposes, like parody, commentary, or criticism. Whether or not anything new is created through the use of the material is particularly important. (Here's a good summary of fair use from Stanford University.)
So when I summarize advice from writers whose books I've bought or whose websites I've visited, I'll be careful not to reveal a substantial portion of their materials. I won't be quoting their words to excess. And I'll be pointing you in the direction of their books and websites so you can read more of what they have to say.
Oh, the picture is just for fun. If only my son were still young enough to be propped up next to me while I work.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Aaaahh, $#*!
Michael Palmer describes on his website the painstaking effort he puts into a book proposal and outline before he begins to write, explaining that as a doctor and dad, he has no time to waste on a book that's not going to work. Consider me converted.
I'm beginning to see that my doubts about a work in progress can halt the entire project as I wonder what the hell to do with the mess I've created. Though I'm not a doctor, I do work hard to make time in my day to write. I don't have a job outside the home anymore, which means that my family makes sacrifices to live within our means. I'd better make something of my writing, or I've wasted lots of my time and my family's resources.
This is where some of Palmer's painstaking planning would have come in handy. Almost 6,000 words into this project and NaNoWriMo, I'm reconsidering my plot and my created world. Sputter. That's the sound of my engine stalling, folks. If not now, then soon, I will be writing a considered proposal and very detailed outline of my book. As far as NaNoWriMo goes, though, if the car won't drive, I'm getting out to push. I only have till November 30th at midnight to write 50,000 words, so I'll slog through what I have now and sort it out later.
It could be good for my novel. Writers are divided on this subject: whether to work from a comprehensive outline of their book or to think up an idea and a couple of characters and go for it. The first approach conserves words and the second approach leaves room for surprises. Probably everyone uses a bit of both. Outliners stray from the plan when they're inspired; freeformers have an idea of what's going to happen in their heads.
Okay. I'm tired of this back-and-forthing. Thus far tonight, it has led to zero words actually written, either in the body of my novel or in an outline of it. Here's what I know and have to keep in mind:
1) All books are written the same way--with words strung together to form grammatical structures. Type a word, type the next word, type the next one, then the next many times do I have to coach myself this way?
2) I'm imitating other authors' writing habits during this project. However, the one thing that cannot be imitated is the writing itself. That has to come from within me and it has to offer the world something new, or it won't be worth anything.
I'm beginning to see that my doubts about a work in progress can halt the entire project as I wonder what the hell to do with the mess I've created. Though I'm not a doctor, I do work hard to make time in my day to write. I don't have a job outside the home anymore, which means that my family makes sacrifices to live within our means. I'd better make something of my writing, or I've wasted lots of my time and my family's resources.
This is where some of Palmer's painstaking planning would have come in handy. Almost 6,000 words into this project and NaNoWriMo, I'm reconsidering my plot and my created world. Sputter. That's the sound of my engine stalling, folks. If not now, then soon, I will be writing a considered proposal and very detailed outline of my book. As far as NaNoWriMo goes, though, if the car won't drive, I'm getting out to push. I only have till November 30th at midnight to write 50,000 words, so I'll slog through what I have now and sort it out later.
It could be good for my novel. Writers are divided on this subject: whether to work from a comprehensive outline of their book or to think up an idea and a couple of characters and go for it. The first approach conserves words and the second approach leaves room for surprises. Probably everyone uses a bit of both. Outliners stray from the plan when they're inspired; freeformers have an idea of what's going to happen in their heads.
Okay. I'm tired of this back-and-forthing. Thus far tonight, it has led to zero words actually written, either in the body of my novel or in an outline of it. Here's what I know and have to keep in mind:
1) All books are written the same way--with words strung together to form grammatical structures. Type a word, type the next word, type the next one, then the next many times do I have to coach myself this way?
2) I'm imitating other authors' writing habits during this project. However, the one thing that cannot be imitated is the writing itself. That has to come from within me and it has to offer the world something new, or it won't be worth anything.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Interlude - Twitter
My brother was perfectly happy to receive an email from me every ten minutes last night (see my Writing Game post), I'm sure, but he also directed me to a new tool to accomplish the same thing.
Twitter gives me what amounts to a status bar that I can post on my blog and update as often as I want. Look under my profile picture and you'll see how many words I've put into my novel since November 1st. Last night I could have updated it every ten minutes instead of all those emails. And, as my brother put it, I would have been "publicly shamed into productivity". That is the idea, my friend.
Twitter gives me what amounts to a status bar that I can post on my blog and update as often as I want. Look under my profile picture and you'll see how many words I've put into my novel since November 1st. Last night I could have updated it every ten minutes instead of all those emails. And, as my brother put it, I would have been "publicly shamed into productivity". That is the idea, my friend.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Writing Game

I'm going to play a game with myself tonight. I promised I would write from 8:00-10:00 each night this month, and I've had trouble staying on task during that time frame, so here's my solution:
Every ten minutes, I'll email my brother, Jeff, with an update of how many words I've written tonight (on my novel only). That way, I'm forced to either work on my novel straight through or send some pretty pitiful emails.
The twist: I haven't asked Jeff's permission yet, so he'll be surprised to see all my correspondence. Hi, Jeff! Thanks for being there!
He's a very supportive and easygoing guy. You should get a friend or two like my brother, and then use them.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
First Week Progress Report
This is what I have done in the past week in relation to Mr. Palmer's advice:
1. I have created a situation and characters for a children's novel, complete with outline and notes on characters and settings. Michael Palmer would have completed a proposal and a more extensive outline. In fact, he wouldn't have written word one without his agent's feedback on the proposal. Check out his detailed writing tips page for the reason why. I don't have any external constraints before I start my novel because I don't have an agent or publisher. I can only guess whether my story will be of interest to a large number of readers.
2. I've set aside time from 8-10 each night to write, but I have to confess I haven't done it every night. In fact, I've had trouble using the whole two hours just for my novel. I've journaled and researched and procrastinated for much of that time. Last night I went to bed early because I felt like crap and haven't made up the time yet.
3. This has very little to do with Palmer's explicit advice but it works well as a support for my goals. I downloaded the program CopyWrite which has a few features I really like. I can create different documents (for chapters, characters, premise, places, outline...) under one project name and write notes in the margin of each of them so I don't have to go back through the text of the novel to see what I had in mind. It keeps track of stats like word count, page count, and character count as I type. Best of all, it has a full-screen mode so I can type without being distracted by any other programs or toolbars. It sounds like a minimal feature, but boy does it work for me!
What I need to do moving forward:
1. I must stick to a writing schedule every day. Looking back at past successes, I know the "magic" formula: Put in the time. I'll force myself to at least sit at my computer with the document up for an hour and a half of the two-hour time slot. The other half hour I'll allow for journaling, which helps me get the ideas rolling.
2. Let go of the idea that everything I type has to be gold. I need to get my novel down on paper before I worry about editing, even in my mind.
3. Write, write, write.
1. I have created a situation and characters for a children's novel, complete with outline and notes on characters and settings. Michael Palmer would have completed a proposal and a more extensive outline. In fact, he wouldn't have written word one without his agent's feedback on the proposal. Check out his detailed writing tips page for the reason why. I don't have any external constraints before I start my novel because I don't have an agent or publisher. I can only guess whether my story will be of interest to a large number of readers.
2. I've set aside time from 8-10 each night to write, but I have to confess I haven't done it every night. In fact, I've had trouble using the whole two hours just for my novel. I've journaled and researched and procrastinated for much of that time. Last night I went to bed early because I felt like crap and haven't made up the time yet.
3. This has very little to do with Palmer's explicit advice but it works well as a support for my goals. I downloaded the program CopyWrite which has a few features I really like. I can create different documents (for chapters, characters, premise, places, outline...) under one project name and write notes in the margin of each of them so I don't have to go back through the text of the novel to see what I had in mind. It keeps track of stats like word count, page count, and character count as I type. Best of all, it has a full-screen mode so I can type without being distracted by any other programs or toolbars. It sounds like a minimal feature, but boy does it work for me!
What I need to do moving forward:
1. I must stick to a writing schedule every day. Looking back at past successes, I know the "magic" formula: Put in the time. I'll force myself to at least sit at my computer with the document up for an hour and a half of the two-hour time slot. The other half hour I'll allow for journaling, which helps me get the ideas rolling.
2. Let go of the idea that everything I type has to be gold. I need to get my novel down on paper before I worry about editing, even in my mind.
3. Write, write, write.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Write Like It's a Bear Suit
To find out more about Michael Palmer during this month of Palmer-imitation, I read this National Vaccine Information Center interview. The interview was conducted in March 2002.
I loved his admission halfway through:
"I didn't even know I could write at all when I did it - fiction or non-fiction. I just sat down and wrote a book. It had many, many weaknesses. When I speak at conferences, I often talk about me as a writer like it is one of those old comedies where somebody sees a bear's paw on their shoulder and is certain that it's his friend wearing a bear suit. So he's not afraid: he hits the bear in the nose and he punches the bear over his shoulder and he does perfectly well until the moment he realizes, 'Oh, it's a real bear!' And then he gets terrified. That is sort of what has happened to me in writing. When I hadn't published a book and I didn't have any track record, I was fearless."
For those of us who haven't had a novel published yet, let's take our cue from him and be fearless. Write a book.
I loved his admission halfway through:
"I didn't even know I could write at all when I did it - fiction or non-fiction. I just sat down and wrote a book. It had many, many weaknesses. When I speak at conferences, I often talk about me as a writer like it is one of those old comedies where somebody sees a bear's paw on their shoulder and is certain that it's his friend wearing a bear suit. So he's not afraid: he hits the bear in the nose and he punches the bear over his shoulder and he does perfectly well until the moment he realizes, 'Oh, it's a real bear!' And then he gets terrified. That is sort of what has happened to me in writing. When I hadn't published a book and I didn't have any track record, I was fearless."
For those of us who haven't had a novel published yet, let's take our cue from him and be fearless. Write a book.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Creating Something New
If you're wondering what all this is about, please read my first few posts about following in the footsteps of published authors until I find my own way, starting with Here's the Plan.
Yesterday I posted about Michael Palmer making time for being a dad on top of his medical and writing careers. Being a parent surely does cramp your style if you like to set aside large chunks of time to write, musing and typing and taking coffee or chocolate breaks.
I have a confession to make. If I had all day to write, muse, and ingest comfort food, I would write less than I do now. Most of the time, I would get exactly zero words down on the page. There's no sense of urgency in a schedule like that. Urgency isn't the only thing needed for creation, though.
Almost as soon as I could read, I wrote and illustrated stories about princesses and poor girls from humongous families and aliens. When I reached a more self-conscious age, I stopped writing because I started wondering what other people would think of my stuff. Enter sixteen years of almost uninterrupted writer's block.
There were four things that helped me break the block: Dr. Clark's Career Development course in grad school that helped me see what career I really wanted, the book Wishcraft by Barbara Sher, discovering National Novel Writing Month, and getting pregnant.
It's the fourth block-breaker that really puzzled me. Getting pregnant? Shouldn't that have slowed me up, made me sick and tired, and given me a different priority? It did all those things, but those things suddenly didn't interfere with my writing. My day job suffered and I fell asleep involuntarily at 8:00 every night. I daydreamed about my baby and planned for him. I also worked steadily on a novel until I reached my goal of 50,000 words.
After my baby was born, I completed most of another novel, submitted short stories, started a copywriting business, and got a few articles published.
So now I have a theory about creativity. When my body accepted the role of creating a new human being, my mind was able to take the role of creator, too. I no longer thought I wasn't good enough to bring something new into being.
How amazing is that?
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Palmer-ish Writing Exercises
Rereading Michael Palmer's biography page on his website, I noted an interesting step he took before deciding to write novels. He and his sister discussed what they really liked about thrillers, the genre he liked to read and wanted to write. His approach to the noveling process is more structured and logic-based than some other successful authors, and it may not work for everyone. But I can't see how it would hurt to discuss the best elements of a genre in which you intend to write.
Here's the first Palmerian writing exercise: Discuss, either among friends or colleagues or in a private journal, the genre you have chosen to write in. What elements are always incorporated in the best books of that genre? Take a look back at your favorite book in the genre. What passages delighted you the most? How did the author keep you turning the pages?
I'd even suggest you take a look at a book in this genre that you really didn't like. What did you hate about it?
Another Palmerian assignment: Consider the popularity of books by Palmer, Robert Ludlum, John Grisham, Arthur Hailey, and many others who write about a particular profession (the medical field, secret government agencies, lawyers, etc.) Stephen King mentioned this phenomenon briefly in his book On Writing. These books attract readers by giving them what feels like an insider's glimpse into the profession. Any profession that can only be attained by people with a certain talent or level of training will do. People are fascinated by surgeons, pilots, martial artists, clowns, whatever. Hey, even housewives have drama. The trick is to write about housewives of a certain kind.
Journal about whether or not you have knowledge or experience of a profession that would be interesting to people who aren't in the know. Take a look at what you do every day. Is there a way that it could be made "sexy" to readers of your novel?
One last item: I believe I remember hearing Michael Palmer talk about his daily writing time in an interview at the end of one of his audiobooks (probably The Patient or Natural Causes). I can't find the information to back it up right now, but I remember him saying he worked in the ER during the day, returned home to spend time with his kid, then wrote every night in his home office for two hours. As part of my Michael Palmer Month (being a parent myself with lots of work to do during the day), I pledge to write each night from 8:00 to 10:00. I think Palmer would approve of regular hours at a regular time.
After doing the exercises I just suggested, I'm off to work on my newly-begun novel.
(image at top from
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