As you can see from the Word Count Tracker to the right, I'm 12,522 words into my children's novel.
1) I went back to the first steps recommended by Michael Palmer and wrote a full proposal just to get my own head clear about the book.
2) I reworked my basic outline to include all the major events in each chapter.
3) I changed some plot points to add more high conflict.
4) I sat down at my computer between 8:00 and 10:00 most nights this last week. (On Saturday, I wrote at a coffee shop from 11:00 to 3:00 instead, and a couple nights I fell asleep early.)
My plan for the coming week is to work on keeping my evening writing hours every day and to write during my son's naptimes, too, since I'm falling behind in my NaNoWriMo progress.
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