Thursday, November 29, 2007

NaaaaaaNoooooooWriiiiiiiiiMoooooooooo 2007

This is all you're going to get from me today and tomorrow. I'm down to the NaNoWriMo wire. Having written 7,000 words yesterday and this morning, I am single-minded in my drive to the 50.

My novel is even improving! In a way. It's becoming much more interesting. Tip to fellow NaNoWriMoers who haven't hit 50 yet: Creat a new villain today. Better yet, create two. That's what I did. They actually belong to a society full of our good gnomes' enemies. It's good for an immediate 2,000 words at least.

See you past the finish line.


EricK said...

Hey Kristy

Congrats on an impressive writing day. 7k is nothing short of amazing.
That's good advice on creating villains. I actually turned a heroic character into a villain and a villain into a hero. Great fun.

Have fun writing.


Unknown said...

Keep it up! I finished yesterday and it was a great feeling. Very impressive for the first NaNo. God willing I can turn it into a real book.

Kristy Powers said...

Yay NaNo! Congrats, Aisha and Eric!